Cheer up to Good byes, Welcomes and B-days
The Mansfeld Lab
Welcome Nadine!
Lab hike and Julia's TAC
Julia's first SPP1710 conference
Alena and Jörg on retreat with the Lorenz lab
"Degron-tagged reporters probe membrane topology and enable the specific labelling of membrane-
Redox Signalling in Physiology, Ageing and Disease 2019
Autoinhibition Mechanism of the Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme UBE2S by Autoubiquitination.
Another pre-print online: Redox potential defines functional states of adult hippocampal stem cells
Our latest pre-print: Degron-tagged reporters probe membrane topology and enable the specific labell
Welcome Julia!
Xmas get together
Gabor's E2~dID method is now published in Nature Communications!
Congratulations to Dr. Bakos!
Find our latest pre-print on the bioRxiv!
Well done Dr. Gak!
Conditional control of fluorescent protein degradation by an auxin-dependent nanobody
FEBS Congress "Biochemistry forever" Prague 2018
Gordon Research Conference, Spain
Constitutive regulation of mitochondrial morphology by Aurora A kinase depends on a predicted crypti