The Mansfeld Lab
Jörg Mansfeld
Born in Bremen, Germany
Lives & works in London, UK

Scientific Career
Since 2020 Team Leader at The Institute for Cancer Research London, UK (ICR)
2013-2021 Emmy Noether and ERC group leader at the BIOTEC, TU Dresden, Germany
2008 - 2013 Postdoctoral fellow in Johnathon Pines' lab at the Welcome Trust/CRUK
Gurdon Institute, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
2004 - 2007 PhD in Biology in Ulrike Kutays lab at the Institute of Biochemistry,
ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
1998 - 2003 Diplom in Biology at the University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
Grants & Awards
2023 Reader of Protein Modifications
2022 CRUK Senior Cancer Research fellowship
2015 ERC Starters grant
2015 TU Dresden Young Investigator
2012 DFG Emmy Noether Fellowship
2012 FEBS Distinguished Young Investigator Award
2008 FEBS long-term fellowship
2008 EMBO long-term fellowship (terminated)